Dinamo speră să dea lovitura în această perioadă de mercato prin aducerea lui Ianis Stoica, dar Hermannstadt a fixat un preț uriaș. Vorbim despre 1,5 milioane de euro. Atacantul a lăsat o impresie foarte bună […] The post Preț imposibil pentru Dinamo București. Cât costă starul pe care Gigi Becali l-a trimis în pribegie în Superliga și care acum e „vânat” de forța Ucrainei appeared first on Prosport.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that a star player who Gigi Becali, owner of FCSB (a rival Romanian team), formerly owned is now too expensive (preţ imposibil) for Dinamo București to purchase.
The article mentions that this player is now in the Ukrainian league and a coveted target for teams there.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that a star player who Gigi Becali, owner of FCSB (a rival Romanian team), formerly owned is now too expensive (preţ imposibil) for Dinamo București to purchase. The article mentions that this player is now in the Ukrainian league and a coveted target for teams there.